Glastonbury Dental Associates Blog

Preparing For Invisalign Treatment

June 26, 2024

An invisalign aligner and cleaning crystals

Getting Invisalign is a big lifestyle change! While sure, cleaning and caring for them will be much easier than with traditional braces, they may still require some modifications to your daily routine. Don’t let these adjustments take you off guard. Start implementing them now so you’re already adapted when your first set of aligners is ready to go.


Building Better Bites: Can Invisalign Fix Bite Misalignment?

May 14, 2024

Someone holding an Invisalign tray

Over the last few decades, Invisalign has risen to become one of the most popular orthodontic treatments on the market. These thin aligners are nearly invisible and very sleek, making them an incredibly convenient way to straighten your smile.

Given the subtle nature of the aligners, patients sometimes wonder if they’re really capable of all the same things that braces are. For example, can Invisalign help you deal with your bite problems? If you’re curious, here’s what you should know.


Keeping Your Invisalign Aligners Invisible

April 8, 2024

Woman inserting her Invisalign aligners

Once upon a time, the only way to correct crooked teeth was to endure a set of metal braces. Bulky, uncomfortable, and rather unsightly, it’s no wonder why people started turning to Invisalign aligners when they became available. Their sleek design keeps the wrong kind of attention away from your favorite incisors. They’re even easy to clean and talk with.

However, they’re not so easy that they don’t require any maintenance. If you love the way your Invisalign aligners look and feel, follow these four tips to keep them from becoming bothersome and noticeable.


Fever Pitch: How Rising Temperatures Could Affect Sleep Apnea

March 5, 2024

Someone struggling to sleep

Spring is starting, and it’s already looking like we’re in store for some record high temperatures. Climbing temperatures can have all kinds of effects on the way that people live their lives, and especially on your health.

One prominent example is sleep apnea. Depending on the temperature that you sleep at, your capacity to breathe while you sleep can be affected. Here’s what you should know about how heat may exacerbate your sleep apnea.


Will Invisalign Treatment Affect How I Speak?

February 7, 2024

person smiling while holding Invisalign aligner

Invisalign has become increasingly popular as a discreet option for treating dental issues like gaps, misalignment, and bite problems. Using custom-made plastic aligners, this treatment offers a comfortable way to address such concerns. However, adjusting to wearing these aligners may affect your speech. Continue reading as we delve into how Invisalign can influence your speaking abilities and discuss strategies to mitigate any challenges that may arise.


Straight Ahead to Straighter Teeth: The Do’s and Don’ts of Invisalign

January 12, 2024

Lady shows off pretty smile

Invisalign has allowed many people to realign their smiles without the often uncomfortable metal wires or dietary restrictions that come with traditional braces. While many find that Invisalign is the most convenient orthodontic method available, it still requires the patient to follow certain rules while wearing their clear aligners. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when wearing Invisalign so you can achieve a more ideal result from the process.


How Can I Get My Oral Appliance to Feel More Comfortable?

December 13, 2023

Woman thinks something over

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines have allowed many people with sleep apnea to feel rested and enjoy all the benefits that come after a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, adjusting to wearing it while sleeping can become a struggle, leading many patients to simply give up on wearing their appliance. Here’s what you can expect when you first start wearing your oral appliance along with a few tips to help you get used to it.


A Closer Look at the Curious Connection Between Napping and Sleep Apnea

October 3, 2023

a woman napping in a hammock

Every night, millions of people miss out on countless hours of sleep due to sleep apnea; what’s worse is that several more cases remain completely undiagnosed! Lost sleep can have several negative consequences, such as daytime fatigue—and one would think that taking a nap is a sensible solution to countering this. However, this isn’t the case: napping is something you should actually avoid doing if you’re dealing with sleep apnea! Keep reading to learn more about this condition and why napping isn’t the answer you may think it is.


4 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Veneers

July 6, 2023

Veneer examples held up to woman's smile

Depending on your budget and how much work you’re getting done at once, veneers can be on the pricey side. However, the benefits of having a complete smile makeover within three visits to the dentist’s office that can last for decades to come far outweigh the cost. Of course, like your natural teeth, they do require some care to maintain. If you want your money’s worth, here are 4 ways to extend the life of your veneers.


Cost of Emergency Dentistry With No Dental Insurance

May 22, 2023

Man’s hands counting cashIf you’re like many people, you probably don’t expect to ever need an emergency dentist, but accidents can happen with no warning. 1 in 6 Americans has a dental emergency annually. If you need a dentist in a hurry, the last thing you should be worried about is how you’re going to pay the bill because you don’t have insurance. Here’s how much it’s going to cost to visit an emergency dentist if you don’t have dental coverage.
